Please read carefully. By paying for membership, you are agreeing to abide to all site and fishing rules.
Brook Farm Site Rules
1. All members to abide to all Environmental Agency (EA) by-laws i.e.: members must have a valid license whilst fishing.
2. All member must have their membership card available whilst fishing on site (when asked if you do not have this available to see you may be asked to leave the lake).
3. Cars must be parked in the designated parking zone.
4. Dogs are permitted on-site but must always be kept on a lead and in the hired swim. All mess to be cleared and taken off site with the member.
5. Members are expected to remove all rubbish from site.
6. Radios, phones, and any other electrical equipment to be kept on low to not disrupt others on site.
7. Gates on the whole of Brook Farm site must always be kept closed.
8. Once on site, members must consider actions and take care not to startle the horses, always drive slowly and give horses and their carers priority on the lanes.
9. All members must forward information of what swim is being used and send updates of any changes during their stay at the lake to Management.
10. Fishing to only be carried out from designated swims or cleared stalking areas, no vegetation to be cut away from other areas.
11. Night fishing is permitted, however the main site gates are locked and alarmed between the hours of 7:30am – 7:30pm (may vary slightly), anglers who are night fishing must remain on site for the duration of these times. In case of an emergency, contact management.
12. As per rule 11, gate opening times are usually 07:30 – 19:30, however with prior arrangement at least 48hours before use, if you contact Rusty the gates can be opened at 06:00 and closed at 21:00.
13. No members of the lake to have guns on site or shooting of wildlife by any means.
Important Notes:
1) Site (stable) rules override any fishing rules.
2) Any changes to site or fishing rules will be posted on notice board, the members private group on Facebook, and updated here. Please keep an eye on this as this will overwrite any existing rules.
Brook Farm Lake Fishing Rules
1. Fish care is always a priority.
1a. All personal nets, slings and cradles need to be dipped at the gate.
2. No fish to be put in or taken out of Brook Farm Lake without the approval of management.
3a. Only micro barbed hooks or Palatrax hooks to be used.
3b. Lead safe clips must always be used.
3c. Reel lines must be a minimum of 15lb.
4. Members are to always carry a carp care kit with them.
5. Carp cradles or high sided unhooking mats only.
6. Members are asked to weigh and photograph (both sides and any distinguishing marks) all fish caught and send to Management. All mirrors caught also need to be scanned (Halo scanner kept in shed).
7. No nuts or excess maggots to be used.
8. Members are to have waders available to use to enter water in need of fish safety.
9. Member are permitted to use the boats provided in the event a fish is snagged (not to be used for baiting areas).
9a. Whilst using the boat, members are to wear the life jackets provided.
10. Landing nets need to be a minimum of 42 inches.
11. Members can only stay in the same swim for a maximum of 72 hours
12. Firepits are supplied in all swims, no fuel accelerants to be used (fire starting blocks in shed, please replenish if you use them), all debris taken off site. No wood cut from trees for fires but wood laying around can be collected apart from the insect piles.
13. Adjustable zigs only with min 12lb hook length – max 2ft
14. Cabin use – only for use on Birches swim – must be swept out after use – no staying consecutive weekends – no smoking or vaping inside.
15. Toilet on site to be kept clean, a watering can and a brush is provided if extra flushing is required but must be refiled after use.
16. Members should not leave rods in the water whilst more than 30ft away from your swim – fish care is our priority and harsh action will be taken.
17. Bait boats are permitted but used in a sensible manner.
18. Pike season – 1st Oct – 14th Mar – live bait must be caught from the lake.
19. Over the year we will run a few works party’s and it would be appreciated if all members can attend at least one. This not only helps the lake; it also helps build a good community with all members. Members that help out on more than one work party will get a discount on the following year.
20. An aerator system runs in the centre of the lake, please avoid casting into the bubbles. If you do happen to get snagged in this area, please leave the rod where it is to avoid dragging the system and contact management immediately.
Any member found breaking any rules could lead to being asked to leave the site and/or having their membership revoked without refund.