Previously unfished for over 30 years, Rusty initially took control of the fishing lease back in 2019, since then Andy has joined him and lots of work has been carried out to establish the stock of the lake, which in terms of Carp now holds 2 fish over 30lbs and at least a dozen mid-20’s, with estimated 60-80 Carp present. Of course as the lake was untouched for so long some of the stock remains relatively unknown, with the occasional characterful original resident still being caught for the first time. Rumours have it there is also one very large original fish, a common, estimated to be approaching 40lbs that remains uncaught to this day. Periodic stocking is still carried out as and when the right fish come available meaning there is now also some unique characters such as a recently added Ghostie around 20lbs. Andy and Rusty have also stocked a small number of Tench which have grown incredibly well and now are caught at over 8lbs, along with some Pike to help control the resident silver fish stock, which with this abundance of food, are now reaching upper-doubles with the first 20lb Pike expected during the winter of 2024/25.
Detailed Fish Stock Records
Detailed capture and growth data tracked using a solution provided by Intuifish Ltd – Intuitive Fishery Management Solutions – (www.intuifish.com). We are in the final stages of gathering our records, so this section will be live very soon.